Simplify Attendance Tracking with this Check-in app

Say goodbye to paper sign-in sheets and track visitors’ attendance effortlessly.


Fast and easy check-ins and check-outs


Custom and self-check-in process


Attendance tracking and real-time reporting


Real time collaboration and multiple devices

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Trusted by 31,000+
OneTap attendance tracker and check-in app
Trusted by 31,000+ businesses and individuals with more than 30 million+ check-ins.

What Makes OneTap the Best
Attendance Management Solution

OneTap - digital check-in and attendance app graphic design
realtime analytics onetap

Real-time data

Get the data you need to make smarter decisions

realtime analytics onetap

Secure & Compliant

Secure check-in with cloud storage for all data

realtime analytics onetap

Fast & Easy

Set up the check-in process with just a few clicks

realtime analytics onetap

Powerful App

Provides a simple and minimalist dashboard

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How Teams Use OneTap

Flexible check-in process for various use cases


Events - Guest List

Speed up the events check-in process by up to 50% and generate robust reports


Classes & Courses

Automate attendance with self-check-in, collect accurate attendance records



Keep track of accurate and detailed employee records, start meetings faster


Visitor sign-ins

Keep the location safe from unauthorized visitors, collecting real-time data for records


Membership Tracker

Improve member retention by tracking inactive members, up-to-date & accurate membership data



Analyze attendance data and identify patterns or trends to make data-driven decisions about training

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Let The Transformation Begin

Simplify attendance management and focus on what matters

The old way

before OneTap

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Struggle through manual check-in tasks

60+ minutes wasted per check-in/check-out task

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Misplaced historical insights

No behaviour pattern discovery

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Waste 35% of resource spend

Paper sheets & stationery must be purchased

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Manual updates that don't last

Incomplete and limited information that is not understandable

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Visitor frustrated in long lines

Poor experience for visitor waiting in long lines


The new way

after OneTap

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Automate digital check-in processes

Streamline attendance with automated check-ins and check-outs

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Discover visitor details in real-time

Discover details through a time, location tracker

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Optimize your resource spend

Save on resources by using your device only

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Tracks all updates

Accurately saves your updates while considering privacy

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An excellent check-in experience

Quick self-check-in process, customized dashboard

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Trusted by 31,000+

How OneTap Works

Set up your check-in process in minutes

how it works-create a list
Icon - arrow right
how it works-easy import
Icon - arrow right
how it works-track attendance

Multiple Check-in Process

onetap multiple check-in process
Find out more about Onetap's dedicated multiple check-in processes that help your organization streamline processes and save time & effort.

📊 Analytics & Reports ...

OneTap allows you to download detailed reports on all visitors checked-in, when and where. You can also view visitor attendance history on the iOS app and dashboard.

attendance analytics and reports
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Powerful Features

So you never have to deal with paper sheets again or waste long hours manually entering data
Self check-ins for faster front desk


Quick Insights
Check-ins, absences, and attendance overview at a glance.

Self check-ins for faster front desk

Check-in Location

Enhance security
Trace where check-ins take place on a map.

Self check-ins for faster front desk

Custom Fields

Personalize profiles with more details in text, number, date, and drop-down list format.

Self check-ins for faster front desk

Multiple Devices

Speed up check-ins
Use multiple devices and accounts, sync data in real-time.

Self check-ins for faster front desk

Multiple Sign-in Options

Customize your check-in process
Ask for signature, survey, or photos prior to check-in.

Self check-ins for faster front desk


Work together
Make attendance available to all team members, managers, and administrators.

Self check-ins for faster front desk

Check-in Codes

Secure your check-in process
Assign unique check-in code to a visitor, can be student ID number, phone number, passcode, etc.

Self check-ins for faster front desk


Customize your check-in process
Turn your iPad into a self-check-in kiosk, speed up the check-in process, improve accessibility, and show-off your branding.

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Trusted by 31,000+

Why People Love OneTap

Join our community of 31,000+ customers who have said goodbye to long check-in lines and tedious record-keeping. 😇

“Simplify my life with quick attendance”

I’m so glad to get rid of Excel, I finally found what I have been looking for! OneTap makes it easy for me to have profiles with student information, easily accessible, and take attendance quickly.

OneTap Customer Review by Jessica

Jessica S

Teacher at San Bernardino City,
Unified School District

“Simple and easy-to-use app”

You guys have been great! Our organization loves your products. We use it for three different benefits throughout the year. So easy and straightforward!!!

OneTap customer review by Jody.  Easy and straightforward attendance app

Jody Savino

Event Manager

“Capture Student Data Easily”

We recovered $700+ in revenue using OneTap for attendance tracking, this program helps us capture student’s data more easily.

OneTap Customer 1
Errin Huey
CEO and Chief Instructor,
Soteria Training Services

“Effective and user-friendly software”

I brought this software because it was so effective, we experienced pre-k. Parents and grandparents love it because it's so user-friendly.

Image of an example OneTap customer
Doris Wilson
Teacher, ST Jerome School

“Most Simple and Powerful”

It’s going to be very difficult for us if we don’t have OneTap.

OneTap Customer Image7
Ymera Rodriguez
Forsyth Tech - Community Collage

Book A Strategy Session

Talk to our dedicated product specialists
  • A walk-through of OneTap's software
  • A session tailored to your needs and interests
  • Answers to any questions you may have
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👋🏼 Say goodbye to paper sheets

Signup for OneTap for free today!

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Trusted by 31,000+