Track student attendance without the hassle of paper and pencil sign-in sheets.
We've helped small and big businesses around the world streamline their check-in process, record attendance, and build reports to quickly to identify -
who's visited, when, for which class, and how many times.
Create a self check-in process, turn any iPad into a self-check-in kiosk with our digital check-in app.
With a process, you reduce daily labor, line ups, and speed up your attendance. Start your class with confidence - quickly see who's check-in, who's missing, and the class attendance percentage.
Make it fun for students, while streamlining your business operations.
Remove paper sign-in sheets and visitor logs from your workflow. Import student profiles directly from Excel, add custom fields for birthdays, membership type, and pass details.
Export daily, weekly, and monthly reports of all student attendance, and membership details.
Track number of visits left, pass expiry, fees collected, and more.
Struggling with attendance?
Kids forget to sign-in, don't follow the instructions, mark the wrong person, or date?
Take it many steps above paper sheets with our digital check-in process. We've designed our iPad app to be kid friendly and super fun - Kids see a list of names, pictures, and hear a sound after each check-in.
Create a fun experience and a great brand impression on any iPad.
Create student profiles, add membership details, birth dates, emergency contacts, allergies and other custom fields.
OneTap automatically connects check-ins to an associated student profile so you can see all activities with a single click.
When parents ask, you will always know where kids are (e.g. in or out of the building or class) and when they come and go.
And you can also protect your business during audits (e.g. contract tracing or building insurance inspections) and against suspicious visitor activities.
Detailed student and visitor logs keep everyone safe and accountable.
Download powerful reports with a few clicks, continue your workflow in Excel.
For a limited time, book a strategy call with one of our product specialists.