How does OneTap Work?

A Walkthrough to Seamless Attendance Management

Create a List
organize attendance with lists on onetap
Create a List for your class, event, meeting, attendance sheet, or visitor log
Upload Profiles
excel sheet to guestlist with onetap
Upload Your Excel with names and column headers
icon of a checkmark

Public QR codes

icon of a checkmark

Universal Check-in links

icon of a checkmark

QR code passes

icon of a checkmark

iPad self check-in kiosk

icon of a checkmark

Check-in on the Visitor app

Get Started - It's Free
onetap app store reatings
Trusted by 31,000+
The top organizations increase productivity with OneTap

From Paper Sheets to a Check-in Process in 10 minutes

onetap lists for organizing attendance

Create a List

Transform the old-school paper sheets into smart digital logs. Use lists to organize attendance for events, classes, attendance sheets, meetings, visitor logs, conferences, and other gatherings.
Using recurring lists, you can automate attendance in a class schedule or multi-day events; a new sub-list will be created automatically based on the schedule.
Get Started
excel sheet import to digital checkins

Import Spreadsheets

Upload your Excel, CSV, or Google Sheets™ (as CSV) in seconds.

Add Profiles

You can create profiles on the spot, set up custom fields like birthday, emergency contact, or nickname... perfect for walk-ins!

Online Registrations

Your visitors can self register onto your database by scanning your QR code or by clicking a registration link. It works on iOS & Android devices.


Using another app for registrations, database, member management, LMS system, or CRM? Connect OneTap to your app of choice with our API.
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onetap checkin - checkin with signature, photo, survey

Instant Search and Check-in

Search and check in through 1000s of profiles in seconds.


Make it easy for guests to check in via public check-in links, self-check-in kiosks, or the public visitor app.

Share Passes (QR Code & Barcode)

Share passes with visitors after registration or before arrival; passes work with Apple Wallet®. Scan QR passes and even custom barcodes (e.g. student ID or employee ID) with our iPad™ and online dashboard app.

SMS Check-in Code

Have a visitor without a smartphone? Check-in can be done via SMS with a 4-6 digit event code.
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checkin app and visitor logs in excel reports with OneTap

Live Attendance

Find out how many people are in the class, in the building, or absent.

Attendance Downloads

Detailed attendance reports for specific lists, classes, and visitor profiles. View attendance reports in Excel by visitor (student, guest, employee, member), date, class, and attendance totals.

Individual Attendance Record

View an attendance history log of each visitor (student, guest, employee, member) and attendance totals inside the app.
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sms alerts after checkin with onetap

SMS Alerts

Admins and other team members will receive an SMS alert when a visitor checks in or checks out.

Check-in Email Confirmation

A confirmation email is sent to all visitors after a self-check-in (public check-in page).
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Custom Fields
Additional headers columns from Excel or manually create fields such as Birthdays, Status, Company, Emergency Contact, and more.
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Multiple Devices
Check-ins are synced in real-time across your devices, and self-check-in links with our cloud networking. All the data is saved and transferred securely using the cloud.
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API Integrations
Integrate with 3rd party apps and sites such as Google Forms™, JotForm*, etc.

Admin Check-ins on iOS and Dashboard

Track Attendance with OneTap iPad Kiosk

Administrators can check-in, check-out, and modify attendance records on the online dashboard.

Add your visitors into lists and create new visitor profiles on the fly.

Leverage our OneTap visitor app on iOS and Android™ to move the check-in process to visitors' devices.

Create a Free Account →

Collaborate ✨- Bring Your Team Onboard 

Work in the cloud with real-time collaboration, access control, and Single Sign-on* (SSO)

Invite teammates to streamline attendance management

It's time to say goodbye to the days when your data was chained to the front desk. Our secure cloud syncs attendance records in real time across devices and accounts.
Collaborators Can:

Manage lists

Check-in and check-out visitors (guests, students, employees, members)

Export attendance data

Manage profiles

Try OneTap, Now! →
cloud checkin app works with your team

Self-Check-ins That’s 10x Faster!

Self check-in iPad Kiosk

Self-check-in iPad Kiosk

iPad Kiosk App

Transform your iPad into a powerful customized kiosk

The names of attendees are displayed on a list of attendees, or for greater privacy, they can type their names for autosuggestions.

Scan OneTap QR and custom barcode passes.

Check-in with a custom check-in code for improved security.

Protect your settings and admin view by locking it down with a PIN.

Try OneTap, Now! →
visitor check-in app for self check-ins

Visitor Check-in App

Visitor Check-in App

Repeat visitor sign-in made easier with an app that lives on their smartphone

Visitors download the app on their Android ™ or iOS™ device, and use the same self-check-in QR code as before. The app remembers the list and profile for future visits.
Visitor App Offers:

Integrates with public QR code

Check-in by name search

Check-in with check-in codes (unique code to assign a visitor)

New visitors can register to create a profile or join a list

Faster repeat check-ins - the visitor app remembers the visitor's last check-in and suggests a list and profile.

Visitors can see their attendance history

Collect Data


Track Location

Track the exact location where the check-in took place, great for teachers to flag plagiarism.

Time Tracking With Check-in Time & Check-out Time

Track the time accurately for every check-in, great for time tracking.

Track Check-in Details - IP Address, Device Used

Track the device, IP address that where the check-in was performed. Great for teachers to flag plagiarism.

Restrict Check-ins


Add Location Restriction

Geofence the check-in to radius, great for classrooms and teachers at schools and universities.

Add Check-in Time Restriction

Prevent early or late sign-ins
top attendance apps on google search - onetap

We Can't Let This Happen: Why OneTap Attendance in 2024 Is Critical

Let’s make 2024 the last year of paper sheets!

Manual sign-ins are inefficient, error-prone, and waste valuable time and resources.
Switching now can still:

Save Hours: Reading handwriting, Printing sign-in sheets, Explaining instructions, Transferring data to Excel, and Scanning paper sheets.

Save Papers: Cut down on paper sheets floating around.

Improve Insights: Analyze attendance data in real-time for smarter decisions.

Improve Your Security: Protect visitor logs and sign-in records from prying eyes.

Easy for Everyone: Enjoy a user-friendly app, regardless of tech skills.

Delight Your Visitors: We all enjoy technology upgrades, especially if they make life easier.

Try OneTap, Now! →
OneTap Check-in App and Attendance Tracker

Why Switch to OneTap?


increase the team’s productivity


lower the spending on resources


reported improvement in student engagement

Get Started - It's Free
Trusted by 50,000+
1000's organizations have already implemented OneTap to ensure their organization stays organized, improve security, and saves time & costs with OneTap.

“Simplify my life with quick attendance”

I’m so glad to get rid of Excel, I finally found what I have been looking for! OneTap makes it easy for me to have profiles with student information, easily accessible, and take attendance quickly.

OneTap Customer Review by Jessica

Jessica S

Teacher at San Bernardino City,
Unified School District

“Simple and easy-to-use app”

You guys have been great! Our organization loves your products. We use it for three different benefits throughout the year. So easy and straightforward!!!

OneTap customer review by Jody.  Easy and straightforward attendance app

Jody Savino

Event Manager

“Capture Student Data Easily”

We recovered $700+ in revenue using OneTap for attendance tracking, this program helps us capture student’s data more easily.

OneTap Customer 1
Errin Huey
CEO and Chief Instructor,
Soteria Training Services

“Effective and user-friendly software”

I brought this software because it was so effective, we experienced pre-k. Parents and grandparents love it because it's so user-friendly.

Image of an example OneTap customer
Doris Wilson
Teacher, ST Jerome School

“Most Simple and Powerful”

It’s going to be very difficult for us if we don’t have OneTap.

OneTap Customer Image7
Ymera Rodriguez
Forsyth Tech - Community Collage
Get Started - It's Free
Trusted by 50,000+

30-Minute Demo To Future-Proof Your Organization?

For a limited time, our product specialists are taking your calls to determine your individual needs and help you create your check-in process.

OneTap exclusive demo
*API availability can be found on specific plans, as described on our pricing page. Contact us at [email protected] for API documentation and other information regarding the API
Apple Wallet is an intellectual property of Apple; their trademarks can be found here Apple Trademark List
IOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under license. Apple Trademark List
iPhone is an intellectual property of Apple; their trademarks can be found here Apple Trademark List
iPad is an intellectual property of Apple; their trademarks can be found here
Google Sheets™ is a trademark of Google, more on their trademarks here,
Google Trademark list
Google Forms is a trademark of Google, more information on their trademarks here,
Google Trademark list
“Jotform" is subject to trademark, the application and its respective brand is a property of or owned and operated by Jotform Inc.
SSO* is available for on our enterprise plans, see our pricing details here -